Services offered:
Comprehensive hearing evaluations
We perform comprehensive audiometric evaluations, along with immittance testing if warranted, to determine type and extent of hearing loss.
counseling services
After the hearing evaluation, the audiologist thoroughly explains the results, along with recommendations. Since hearing aids are not always the answer, for either further medical treatment or if the best approach is addressing the hearing loss through amplification. We openly discuss expectations, and address communication strategies for both the individual with the loss, and those they interact with.
Hearing aid dispensing, followup and repair
Hearing aids are not just a commodity - 99% of the time, it is not a “one and done” purchase. Hearing changes, preferences change, lifestyle demands change. For this reason, regular follow-ups are encouraged to maintain the individual’s benefit and satisfaction with the instruments.
Community education
We are available to give presentations on hearing healthcare for different groups or organizations. Tessa has presented at health centers, libraries, independent living communities and healthcare organizations regarding the importance of pursuing and personalizing hearing healthcare for the individual.
Hearing protection and musician’s services
The best offense is a strong defense, so we are here to help you protect the hearing you have. Custom hearing protection is comfortable, durable, and a good investment. From musician’s monitors or natural-sounding attenuation plugs, to active-protection hunter’s plugs, we are happy to address your hearing protection needs.